Design Lead
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Comcast Business

As a Senior Designer on the Comcast Business team, I directed, designed and collaborated with UX designers and product managers to improve the service experience of various products across

Role: Art Direction, UI Design, UX Design.

Agency: Publicis Sapient



Orion is Comcast Business’s new, more robust, billing and product management platform, geared towards mid-market and enterprises.

We redesigned, and made product enhancements to the old self service platform, specifically User Management, to provide a better experience, while seamlessly merging the new Orion technology.

Goals of User Management

Goals of User Management

Centralize User Management

Provide users with a single, unified experience for accessing user profiles across all platforms in the Comcast Business Ecosystem.

Single User Creation Flow

Currently managers need to go through product-specific flows to assign them to individual products. Orion aims to provide managers with the ability to make all role and product assignments within the initial user creation flow.

Flexible Roles

Allow a more granular approach to role assignment, giving managers the opportunity to assign different roles to a user based on the different products.

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User Directory

User Directory

An account-specific list of all users with details about their role and contact information.


• Provide managers with a way to sort through a large number of users and filter by role and current status

• Easily take select actions on a user without having to drill into the User Profile or a product specific page

• Quickly begin the process of inviting a new user

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Inviting a New User Flow

Inviting a New User Flow

A persistent progress tracker was added to make the user aware of how long the flow will be and where they are in the process. As they make selections, it updates the total number of steps.

User Details

User Details

Contact information and system-level settings that are viewable and editable by both Users and Managers.


• Separate content into topic-based cards

• Change actions depending on the access rights of the viewer

• Users should be able to change their personal security questions and passwords, while Managers are able to make changes to a User’s role or access privileges

Editing a Role Flow

Editing a Role Flow

Account Information

Account Information

An overview of a user’s service and billing accounts.


• Display the user’s accounts in separate modules (Current and Linked Accounts)

• Allow managers to add or remove access to a user’s linked accounts through an off-screen flow

• With proper access, a Billing Manager should be able to see a user’s billing accounts and make changes to them

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Editing an Account Flow

Editing an Account Flow

Text & Email Preferences

Text & Email Preferences

All-in-one solution for adjusting text and email notifications from Comcast Business.


• Allow for users to make system-level changes to notifications for billing, payment and appointment reminders, as well as marketing and education information

• Users should also able to change the email address and mobile phone number where the notifications will be received
